Kindly Reminder Update: Welcome Days & Oona stylist lend-out policy

Dear stylist,

The Welcome days are coming, in April the 19th and the 20th to be exact! With this mail we would like to ask if you can bring all your items back before the 10th of April, you can see our brands down below;

Gucci, Levi's, Carhartt WIP, Superga, Sebago, Wouters & Hendrix, Toms & Monki

Also we want to thank you for considering the oona showroom for your styling opportunities. Of course we are always happy to help with all of your requests.

To optimize the way of working of our showroom we have created a general return policy for lend-outs to keep in mind in the future: 

  • We use a lendout period of 30 days. Exceptions can be discussed if samples are needed for a longer period of time, provided clear agreements are made. 
  • We make a distinction between editorial vs artist lend-outs concerning the return deadline: with artist lend-outs we use a loan term of maximum three days and agree upon guaranteed visibility (in media or on social media).
  • With a new loan, samples from previous selections must always be returned first.
  • Shoes should always be taped over when used.
  • Each month you will receive an email with the status of your loaned items from our showroom manager. Please return the samples from the list the following week or, in exceptional cases, indicate which items are needed longer.


Thanks a lot for taking this into account. These guidelines allow us to offer new items more often in the showroom.


Team fashion at oona



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oona is een community-first communicatiebureau, met een radicaal nieuwe storytelling aanpak. We kijken niet toe langs de zijlijn, maar infiltreren, verbinden en communiceren van binnenuit met de verschillende community’s. We luisteren, noteren en zoeken de ideale aanpak en kanalen. Communicatie die down – top werkt, eigenlijk.

We mogen dan wel gebaseerd zijn in België en Nederland – we zijn vooral een Beneluxpartner met een globale mindset. Lokale merken helpen we de Benelux en Europa te veroveren, internationale bedrijven helpen we terug te keren naar de basis en weer meer een lokale held te worden.

Oona is al twintig jaar thought leader in de Benelux. We omarmen technologie als middel om community engagement aan te drijven en impact te meten. 

Zo zien wij het. Maar vraag het vooral aan onze klanten, zoals Levi’s®, Remy-Cointreau, L’Oréal, Gucci, Monki, On-Running, IKEA, Zalando, Auping, Fritz Hansen en Samsung.

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