Global Media Innovation & Strategy Manager at H&M joins oona
Tuesday, 20 December 2022 – oona has been gearing up for the year(s) ahead. We’re not only shaping the stories of our clients, but redefining our own path too: with double digit growth in 2022 - including 19 hires and 15 new clients such as On Running, TikTok and Gucci, oona is ahead of the curve. To join us on our journey into the future is Stephany Goncalves, former Global Media Innovation & Strategy Manager at H&M Global, as Director of Communications.
Two halves make a whole and at oona, we couldn’t agree more. Our agency operates in both Belgium and the Netherlands, for clients at each side of the border. A perfect synergy of (cross-country) storytelling, strategy, and creativity, combined with the know-how of media, influencer, and performance marketing.
oona’s founder and CEO, Werner De Smet: “An increasing number of clients are looking for a Northern-European approach. Instead of hiring different agencies for multiple countries, we see more brands willing to grow together with one multi-skilled agency.”
In comes Stephany Goncalves, oona’s newest Director of Communications, guiding and strategically (re)building our fashion team and its portfolio across the Benelux and beyond.
A radically different approach to storytelling
As Director of Communications, Stephany is bringing years of global fashion and marketing expertise to the team. Before jumping aboard the oona ship, she was a key figure in H&M’s marketing departments in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Sweden.
“I wouldn’t have joined any other agency than oona, which stands out due to its atmosphere of inclusivity. At oona, everyone gets the opportunity to invest in themselves and explore their careers. As Director of Communications, I want to lead by example and help others grow in their position. Focusing on your people, as much as on your clients, is key to me.” Stephany Goncalves, Director of Communications
oona’s radically different approach towards storytelling is another thing that made her join. She says “rather than targeting communities from the outside, oona connects and creates with them from the inside.” oona knows who to listen to, where to be, which stories to tell and how to behave, specific to each community.
So, what’s next? New clients like Toms, Gucci and Estrid were welcomed at oona the past months, joining our current love list, which includes both local heroes (e.g. Café Costume) and international game changers (e.g. Zalando). With Stephany in charge, our fashion team is steering towards new markets and segments.
Stephany: “I’m looking forward to expand our fashion portfolio beyond the Benelux with brands that have powerful stories, putting the emphasis even more on brand purpose and identity. Besides that, we’re exploring and diving deeper into the mid to luxury segment. A lot of opportunities to discover, I’m excited!”
About Stephany Goncalves
Talk about an impressive career path: Stephany started out as a student and sales assistant at H&M’s kids store in Rotterdam. Her first job after graduating the University of Amsterdam was Social and Digital Media Manager at H&M The Netherlands, bridging the gap between PR and (influencer) marketing. Later, she became Customer Loyalty Manager in both Amsterdam and Zürich (at the latter she headed the Marketing and Customer Loyalty dep.). Wanting to branch out and explore other brands, she started as Monki’s Global Marketing and Communications Manager, before landing a position as H&M’s Global Media Innovation and Strategy Manager. In the autumn of 2022, this Amsterdam-based power woman, joined oona as Director of Communications. In her spare time, Stephany founded FÉ, a consultancy business aimed at mentoring the next generations of female entrepreneurs.